Certiflight begins its validation plan with the volume calculation scenario
November 18, 2024
The European Certiflight project has taken the first steps within its validation plan, which is aimed at satisfying the needs of users, through the validation of some of the use cases identified by the stakeholders.
In this sense, the validation of the use case volume calculation was carried out at the end of October. The aim was to test the features of Certiflight in industrial applications and its interoperability with MAIA UTM platform from UpVision.
The test was carried out at the Holcim cement factory, near the Lovosice city in the Czech Republic. The drone carried out several flights in which it performed a photogrammetric mission to map the cement factory, where periodic landfill measurements are performed as part of an end-of-month inventory.

During the test, aerial images of the area were taken, and data categorised as relevant was documented. During post-processing of the imagery, a Digital Surface Model (DSM) was created.
The UpVision UAS was equipped with a UTM box for remote identification and registration of the flight track in the Certiflight interface for report generation.

This validation scenario has been considered as a success by UpVision, the partner in charge of the test scenario.

We received a very positive feedback from the customer (Holcim), who appreciated above all the possibility of visualisation of the authenticated tracking on MAIA UTM platform and flight logbook, which serves much better to verify all flight parameters, especially in terms of time and position regarding the accurate recording of measured volumes at a specific time.
Jakub Karas
Director of UAS and co-founder of UpVision

About the Certiflight validation campaign
For more information about the Certiflight validation camapaign, please visit the Validation page.