Certiflight will have its second Advisory Board in Madrid on May 23, 2024

May 16, 2024

Certiflight, the European project that uses the Galileo OSNMA feature to certify the flight tracks of drones and general aviation aircraft inside Very Low Level airspace is holding its second Advisory Board meeting in Madrid on May 23rd. The summit will be attended by the project partners, as well as independent professionals from the sector. The objective of the meeting is to present to the members of the advisory board the progress being made in the project, as well as to identify the challenges facing the sector, while discussing possible solutions. The event will include three interactive sessions to obtain a high level of participation.

This is the second Advisory Board after the one held in Naples just a year ago.

The event will be open to all interested parties, so if you are a UAS or aviation professional and are interested in flight track authentication, you may attend the meeting to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the sector together with other top professionals, you can sign up in our contact form.