To obtain reliable and unalterable information that has legal significance, Certiflight combines Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA), E-Conspicuity and Blockchain technologies.
This page describes the characteristics of Certiflight from the point of view of the final user, describing who are the actors and the users of the services offered, which privileges they have on the platform and which kind of operations they can execute.
Some of the services listed are intended to be as an implementation of standards and EU regulations, while others are brand new and will be addressed to the standardization process during the project.
These services Certiflight are divided into two categories:
- In-flight services: These services are intended to be mainly in real-time, having an impact on the carrying out of the operations.
- Post-flight services: These services are intended to be provided at the conclusion of the flight, by storing and processing the data collected.
In-flight services
These are security-related services based on real-time data processing.
Service 1
Tracking service
Service 2
Authenticated Tracking Service
Service 3
Remote Identification Service
Post-flight Services
The post-flight services are provided in the form of dedicated reports resulting from the processing and analysis of data gathered during the flight.
The data processed leads to the generation of two kinds of flight reports:
- Basic report: Based only on in-flight services data that are transmitted by the Certiflight UTM Box (only) in real time to Certiflight platform. This data includes authenticated positioning, time, UAS attitude, navigation parameters and ancillary telemetry data. The basic report offered by Certiflight platform is available right after the flight and it is generated using only the data transmitted by the UTM Box.
- Full Report: Provides additional information generated from the data logged on the UTM Box. In fact, some data including attitude data, GNSS Observables and UAS payload data, cannot be transmitted in real time, due to the narrow band digital channel used for data transmission, therefore such data will be stored onboard the UTM Box. To generate the full report, the user must download the UTM Box data to Certiflight portal with an authenticated mechanism.
Service 4
Legal Recording Service
Service 5
Digital Logbook Service
Service 6
Accident and Incident Report Service
Service 7
Smart Contract Management Service